Publications & Presentations


DuCros, Faustina M. 2021. "'You're a Different Kind of Black—Where You From?': The Qualifying Role of Place in the Construction of Black Racial and Ethnic Identities among Louisiana Creole Migrants." Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 7(1):41–55.

DuCros, Faustina M. 2019. "'We Were Involved with the Club': Louisiana Creole Social Clubs, Los Angeles, and the Great Migration." Southern California Quarterly 101(4):396-429.

DuCros, Faustina M. 2019. "'That’s Still Home': Constructing Second-Generation Place Attachment and Place Identity via Time Work." The Sociological Quarterly 60(4):677-695.

DuCros, Faustina M., Christina B. Chin, Jenny Jong-Hwa Lee, Nancy Wang Yuen, Meera E. Deo, and Noriko Milman. 2018. “Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on TV.Contexts 17(4):12–17.

DuCros, Faustina M. 2017. "Creating Transregional Collective Nostalgia: The Organising Role of Catholic Parishes among Louisiana Migrants in Great Migration-era Los Angeles." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43(5):830-848.

DuCros, Faustina M. 2009. “‘You’re the Scholar—Please, Let Me Be One, Too’: How Race Shapes Access to Institutional Resources at a Predominantly Black and Latina/o School.”Pp. 181-206 in Towards a Brighter Tomorrow: The College Barriers, Hopes and Plans of Black, Latino/a and Asian American Students in California, edited by Walter R. Allen, Erin Kimura-Walsh, and Kimberly A. Griffin. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.


Selected Presentations

“Constructing Second-Generation Place Attachment Through Nativity and Post-Displacement Interaction.” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2016, Seattle.

“‘This Big Village of People’: Louisiana Migrants and the Supportive Role of Catholic Parish Networks in the City of Angels.” Dean’s Symposium, College of Social Sciences, 菠菜网lol正规平台, May 4, 2016, San José.  

“‘You’re a Different Kind of Black—Where Are You From?’ The Role of Place in Constructing Black Racial and Ethnic Identities Among Louisiana Creole Migrants.” Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, April 1, 2016, Oakland.